How it works

Incredible easy and efficient

Our platform makes it incredibly easy to combine digital and physical goods. Ignited by a simple Metamask transaction, physical merchandise and digital NFTs are brought together to form a Phygital good that is processed and shipped from our warehouse in Switzerland.

During this process, NFTs are neither locked nor staked. Rather, users retain complete ownership and autonomy over their digital assets throughout the entire process. This allows people to still freely trade, sell, and transfer their NFTs should they choose to do so.

Leveraging Phygify’s one-stop platform requires no previous experience in the technology or decentralized finance space. It is designed to be incredibly easy to use for virtually any type of user to navigate, in order to allow everyone to benefit from the endless possibilitieour physical and digital lives.

In just three easy steps, you can create your own Phygital goods.

Step 1: Freemint

The first thing to do is acquire Freemint by participating in the monthly drop on AVAX, we will limit the supply to 2500 Freemints

Step 2: Pair

From there, you’ll just need to pair the Freemint with an NFT from one of the open Web3 shops in the Phyfigy platform or from your own wallet.

Step 3: Get Phygital

Finally, your phygital product can be redeemed and delivered worldwide through our comprehensive fulfillment services that handle all of the hard work for you.

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