
Use the full potential of your NFTs

Building on our team’s history of successfully navigating this space and our true passion for NFTs and digital artist rights, we are building the first NFT monetization platform that will bring digital assets to life in a way that benefits collectors, entrepreneurs, and artists.

Phygify’s one-stop Web3 e-commerce platform makes it incredibly easy to turn digital assets into real-world merchandise. Thanks to our commitment to respecting artists and intellectual property holders, our platform prevents Phygital goods from being created by anyone who does not hold the digital asset that they are attempting to transform into a physical good.

We are also fighting to encourage more projects to give NFT holders the intellectual property rights that they deserve, while continuing to monetarily reward artists in the process.

The end result of Phygify’s work is one that is set to radically transform how we distinguish the concepts of physical and digital goods, in order to usher in a new Phygital Universe that truly benefits everyone who takes part in this landscape.

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